The first part of the new year for us is always sitting down re-evaluating what works and what doesn’t for promoting our business. Re-vamping our website. Adding new fresh photos from trendy weddings, new portrait ideas and the like… so while I’m refreshing my business I’m thinking about ways I can also help other businesses re-fresh their advertising options! Once of the main things I can think of is new headshots for you and  your employees!

Marketing reports show that consumers are more likely to buy from a company if that company is likeable, approachable and has a social media presence. A professional head-shot says a lot about how a company conducts business. An outdoor shot in casual attire conveys a very different sense than a portrait in a business suit against a solid color backdrop. The type of photo that’s right for your business is a branding decision, but regardless of the business you are in, a blurry or poorly cropped picture conveys a sense of laziness and a lack of attention to detail that carries over to your organization’s reputation.

We all know it’s hard to find extra time to do things like get a new photograph taken, but putting this to the top of your “To Do” list will help you stand out from the crowd. Here are some of the main reasons it’s a good idea to update your photo:

1.) Keeping Your Image Up To Date- Aging is difficult on all of us and while we might not like the fact that we’ve put on extra pounds it is still important to have a recent head-shot. Imagine showing up to meet with a client that is expecting to meet with a thirty something person and realizing your closer to fifty.  And there’s no reason your photo can’t have a little retouch done to it.  A great professional will know just the right amount of Photoshop magic to use without making your image look like it isn’t you. A good rule of thumb is to not let your headshot get older than 3-4 years.

2.) Multiple Uses for The Image – While headshots were traditionally used for actors, in the digital world we live and work in today, having a great self-portrait is more important than ever. In your professional life, it could be the difference of landing the job vs staying unemployed for a few more months. In your personal life, it’s your first impression on social networks. For online dating, it could be the difference between landing a date and potentially meeting the girl or guy you can spend the rest of your life with. In a digital world, your profile picture is your first impression.

3.) Paying for a Pro – While saving money is always on people’s minds these days I would forgo the temptation to have someone take your photo with their cell phone.  The old adage you get what you pay for rings true. A professional photographer knows just the right angles, poses and has little tips and tricks for making you look your best. Having the very best image of yourself out there will always be helpful in winning you the business. We urge clients to consider getting consistent headshots for your whole team so your company branding is constant from person to person and across all forms of communication. It really makes you look like you’ve put a lot of thought and effort into the professional image you are trying to portray.

4.) Consider an Environmental Portrait – Want to do something out of the ordinary and less boring than a simple one colored backdrop? Consider having your photographer photograph you in your working environment or doing something you love.  Think a chef with a busy kitchen in the background or a real estate agent with their favorite home type to sell behind them. Whatever will lead the viewers to a better idea about what your occupation is or what you are selling can be used in this format.

